General Rules

  1. Read job descriptions. Job descriptions provide individual rules!
  2. Do not RDM "Random Deathmatch". Randomly damaging or killing people without a valid reason.
  3. Do not RDA "Random Arrest". Randomly arresting players without a valid reason.
  4. Do not LTARP or LTAP. Leaving to avoid an RP situation such as a raid/mug/kidnap. Leaving to avoid punishment. Leaving before a staff sit is over, is an admission of guilt, and punishment will be given.
  5. Do not FDA or WDA. Do not open fading doors with key binds or buttons to damage players or cancel a lockpick/keypad crack during a raid. Do not spam the world doors during a raid to prevent raiders from entering a base.
  6. Do not FailRP Failing to act in the realistic realm of your job. Ex: Mayor mugging people.
  7. Do not NLR "New Life Rdle". If you have died due to a valid RP reason you may not return to that area for 3 mins. You may not return to your base after dying in a raid until the raid is finished.
  8. Do not Minge Trolling or being ignorant of the rules, and/or annoying to a point where it affects RP.
  9. Do not Exploit Finding an exploit or bug is one thing, abusing it for your own gain will not be tolerated. Please report these exploits/bugs to the Discord.
  10. Do not Cheat/use game changing modifications Cheating/using game changing modifications of any kind to give you an advantage will resdlt in a permanent ban.
  11. Do not Threaten Players or the Server Any threats to Dox, DOS, DDOS, or any other form of threat will resdlt in a permanent ban.
  12. Do not Advertise Advertising of any other form will not be tolerated. (EX. going into OOC and linking your Twitch/Youtube/Server).
  13. Do not abuse Crossfire Crossfire is ONLY to be used when you are in the middle of advertised roleplay such as a raid, mug, etc. Crossfire MUST be called or it will be considered RDM.

Building Rules

  1. You may only build on the property and sidewalks of buildings that you own the doors to.
  2. The use of no collide is allowed but not to be abused. (EX. Running in and out of a no collided wall during a raid to damage others and save yourself)
  3. Blackout bases are not allowed, entrance doors must be different colors than the base.
  4. There is no time limit for building signs and you may NOT have a kos sign with your building sign.
  5. Do not interfere with people that have a "Building" sign. However, this rule is irrelevant if they have any valuable entities inside their base.
  6. If you have a building sign up you may NOT have any entities inside your base.
  7. Mega/Tunnel bases ARE allowed, only when in a party with 4 or more players. Sky/Ocean/Maze bases are NOT allowed.
  8. You may not have anything that forces a player to jump, crouch, climb a ladder, or affect their movement speed while entering a base.
  9. Your entrance may not be "Pixel Perfect". (You don't have to look in a certain spot to fit through)
  10. Your base entrance(s) may not have more than 3 fading doors total. All fading doors must be able to fit 2 people inside each corridor.
  11. Your base entrance may not have more than 5, 90 degree turns.
  12. Shooting windows must be chest up while holding a weapon out. (No feet, crouch, or jumping shooting angles).
  13. You may only open shooting windows by using a button.
  14. You may not use shooting windows for entrances.
  15. Shooting windows must have a clear non-disorientating material when it opens.
  16. No one way materials, doors, props, ect. (You may use world glow, but may not shoot through it, the raiders must be able to see you)
  17. No flashing colors/render fx for the props in the entrance of your base.
  18. You may not block or use the map elevators for your base.
  19. There is NO limit to how long a straight-away can be.
  20. You may not obstruct paths to any NPC (Exempted from retro miner mega base)
  21. You may not have fading doors on a ramp as your entrance, BUT you are allowed to have a ramp UP to your entrance.
  22. You may not use misleading Keypads or hide them, the raider must be able to enter in the numbers to the keypad when standing in front of the fading door.
  23. You may not have fake or misleading entrances.
  24. Your base must have at least one entrance.

Raiding Rules

  1. Before initiating a raid, you must do “/advert Raid” outside of the base youre raiding.
  2. If raiding in a party, all members must use “/advert Party Raid”.
  3. If it is apparent that no valuables are in a base, you can not raid the base.
  4. You must wait 15 minutes after finishing a raid on a base to raid that same base again.
  5. Raids can only last up to 20 minutes, after 20 minutes you have to leave.
  6. If all raiders die, the raid is over and the 15 minute cooldown begins before you can raid that same base again.
  7. Mega bases/Tunnel bases have no cooldown.
  8. No building is allowed during a raid.
  9. Criminal jobs and jobs with lockpick may raid.

Law Rules

  1. The only default laws the Mayor may override are gun and drug laws.
  2. Government law enforcement have the right to arrest you if they witness you breaking any default laws or laws made by the Mayor.
  3. No minge laws (EX. AOS/KOS if caught jaywalking)
  4. Any law biased for or against a group of people is not allowed.
  5. Any law that puts an individual or group above the law is not allowed.

Advert Rules

  1. If you are advertising a RP event, it must be clearly stated in your advert. (EX: /advert Raid, /advert Mug)
  2. You can have up to 2 mdlti binds (EX: /advert Raid/Raid assist, /advert PD Raid/PD Raid assist)
  3. In order to raid the police department/bank, you must use "PD Raid", "PD Assist", "Bank Raid", or "Bank Raid Assist".
  4. When warning a player it must be for a valid reason.
  5. You must warn a player 3 times, on the 3rd time you may damage them.
  6. If the player backs away during a warn you must stop warning them until they move towards you again.
  7. You must wait 3 seconds between each warning.
  8. The person you are warning must know you are doing so.
  9. After each RP event, you must advertise “/advert Over”.
  10. Adverts may not be black or white.
  11. No faking adverts in OOC to get people to break the rules.

Mugging Rules

  1. In order to mug, you must advert, “/advert Mug”, followed by the amount you want to be dropped. (Max is $50,000 amount)
  2. The victim has 10 seconds to respond before you are allowed to damage them.
  3. Mugs can have special commands like "KOS if running away" or "KOS if you ask for help" but must be included in the advert.
  4. You must wait 15 minutes before you can mug the SAME person again.
  5. You must wait 5 minutes before you can mug ANYONE again.
  6. You may not damage the player being mugged if they give you the correct amount of money.

Kidnapping Rules

  1. Kidnappings must be advertised. (EX: /advert Kidnap)
  2. There is 10 minutes between each kidnapping.
  3. You cannot kidnap the same person again for 30 minutes.
  4. You may not hold the kidnapped person for over 60 minutes.
  5. You may only charge a max of $500,000 for release of a prisoner

Counter Rules

  1. You must advert counter. (/advert counter)
  2. You can counter any RP event, unless your JOB says you cannot.
  3. There is 10 min cooldown before you can counter again.

Territory Rules

  1. You must advert “/advert takeover” before you take any territory.
  2. You're always KOS when inside a territory.
  3. You are KOS once you leave the territory zone for up to 10 seconds.
  4. Only jobs with lockpick can capture territories.

Government Rules

  1. You may only base in the Police Department.
  2. You may only have entities if you are corrupt.
  3. No random weapon checks. (Must be a law stating you may/have the person say you are allowed to)
  4. You must follow the laws of the Mayor. The only exception to this if the law is against the rules.
  5. You may break NLR during PD Raids and Bank Raids.
  6. You may be corrupt but can be demoted because of it.
  7. You may not issue false warrants or make players wanted falsely. (Only for mayor)
  8. You may not sit in spawn as Mayor to avoid being assassinated.

Chat/Voice Rules

  1. No Racism.
  2. Do not spam chat. (EX: Advert chains)
  3. You may mic spam. (No racism, sexism, homophobia, ect. Use common sense please)

Staff Sit Rules

  1. When someone/you are in a sit, RP doesn't apply.
  2. Do not complain over a staff decision, if you feel it was wrong report it to the discord with evidence.

Playermodel Rules

  1. Your Playermodel must be 4 plastic cubes tall for you to be able to take part in RP scenarios.
  2. Using a player model that is transparent / hard to see (blends in) with bases is not allowed.
  3. No Racist/Offensive/Nude/ Inappropriate playermodels.
  4. It is completely up to staff that are Admin or higher to determine if a player model is the correct height for pvp or roleplay.

Job Specific Rules

    Hobo King

  1. You're not allowed to own doors.
  2. You're allowed to build on the sidewalk and the road.
  3. You may only build Hobo-like structures. For example, a tiny hobo shack is permitted, but a tower stacked with props is not.


  1. You're not allowed to own doors.
  2. You're only allowed melee weapons.
  3. You're allowed to build on the sidewalk and the road.
  4. You're not to buy printers, you may use abandoned / stolen printers only.
  5. You may only build Hobo-like structures. For example, a tiny hobo shack is permitted, but a tower stacked with props is not.


  1. You must have a valid reason for a lockdown.
  2. You cannot create a law that breaks a server rules.
  3. There is a 10 minute grace period when the mayor is elected, meaning no raids, mugs, kidnaps etc.
  4. The mayor is not invincible and may be killed in the grace period if they pose a threat. (Eg. Shooting at you or preventing you from raiding by trying to kill you).
  5. You can't make laws that restrict player movement (No Jaywalking, must walk backwards, no jumping. etc.)
  6. You cannot make laws that are too vague or state that you can be exempt from the rules/defadlt laws. Your laws must be appropriate and professional.
  7. You can't make laws that require people to have a coloured prop, textscreen, statue, etc outside their base or else it is subject to a police raid. Roleplay based laws (example: cdltural enrichment by forcing citizens to create art outside their bases, or pressuring citizens to create scdlptures or shrines in your image) are fine.


  1. Citizens are not allowed to raid or steal.
  2. Citizens are allowed to own a base.
  3. Citizens are allowed to have weapons for self defense.

    Bank Manager

  1. Bankers are only allowed to hire security guards to guard the bank.


  1. Are not allowed to raid.

    Gang Jobs (Crips/Bloods/Mafia)

  1. The gang leader can be demoted in a mutiny after being stated in OOC.


  1. You are allowed to raid if targets are involved.
  2. Hitmen are not permitted to base with other players. (A solo base by yourself is fine)


  1. You are allowed to raid and mug

    Retro Miner

  1. You may Mega Base in the Retro miner area as long as there are 4 of you there (Must be 4 in the job AND must be in a party)

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You also recognize our community's rRULES and/or discords guidelines. If at any given moment deems you've broken any rdle of any sort, we reserve the right to ban you from all Boyscouts of America server(s) and/or service(s) with or without reason(s). reserves the right to revoke or suspend any user(s) that have bought anything from the digital store. also reserves the right to revoke access to said items bought on the digital store.